TMR-24 Operational Data Collector

“Transparency of processes – fulfillment of order deadlines – cost optimization.

Our equipment and application solutions for the collection of operational data, free your employees from routine work, ensure the reliability of the collected data by collecting data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mobile applications


Provide rapid data exchange, reduce downtime, identify the talents of your employees, optimize business processes:

Data collection system


Implements the process of converting signals from the outside world into a digital domain for display, storage and analysis:

System and product integration modules


Combine specialized products into a corporate database, accelerate the decision-making process.

Mobile application "Staff workload"

Survey of the enterprise for drawing up a plan for digitalization of the organization


Operational data acquisition in "real time" mode on the involvement of personnel in the projects and processes of the enterprise, on the relationships of the organization, on the actual workload and availability of personnel.

TMR-24 WEB administrator

Monitor the involvement of your team in the work, identify the talents of employees.

  • Application Administration.

  • Key metrics in real time.

  • Report factory.

  • Displaying the workload of the staff in real time.

  • A tool for direct interaction with the team.

Personnel management is integrated with the strategy of commodity turnover and inventory management, the development of the material and technical base and the financial development of the enterprise.

The main goal of managing the number and composition of personnel is to optimize the costs of human labor to perform the main types of work related to the activities of a trading enterprise, and to ensure that the necessary jobs are filled with employees of the relevant professions, specialties and skill levels. The implementation of this function of personnel management to the greatest extent should be linked to the general strategy of trade management, since the labor potential formed at the enterprise and will ensure the implementation of all strategic goals and directions of its activities.

TMR-24 Client

Mobile app. Aimed at identifying effective skills among team members and organizing the harmonious movement of the team towards the set goals.


  • The employment registration panel in the personnel processes.

  • Panel for working with projects and tasks.

  • The registration panel for the start and end of the work shift.

  • Employee engagement diagram.

  • Note creation tools: text, list, photo, audio, location.

In the modern world, it is impossible to do without mobile devices. Now every person has these gadgets, sometimes not even one. That is why the mobile app is a fast and convenient way to collect data.

We are the main tool for working with staff. This application collects data and identifies the talents of employees. All this totality helps the team to perform its tasks most effectively, to see its development, and therefore the development of the enterprise. This strategy makes the life of the company more comfortable and transparent.


Time. Money. Result.

Description and instructions for TMR-24 Staff Workload

Mobile application "In-house document flow"

The application is implemented on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 mobile platform.

Mobile technologies have firmly entered our lives: the share of mobile traffic in the Russian segment of the Internet recently reached a record 83%. The same wave has reached the automation of business.

TMR-24 In-house document flow

Operational accounting of stages of work execution of production tasks with reference to technological maps (MES).

  • Providing personnel and equipment with the information necessary to start the production process.

  • Establishing links between personnel and equipment within the production.

  • Establishing links between production and suppliers, consumers, engineering department, sales department and management.

  • Tracking of production capacities.

  • Tracking and control of quality parameters.

In production, the management of information and resource flows takes place in a multifactorial environment, in production units, planning, departments of process engineers, maintenance and repair, internal logistics, quality, etc.

All processes need to be linked so that the products are produced on time and with the required level of quality.


Time. Money. Result.

Description and instructions for TMR-24 In-house document flow

Data Collection System

The Industrial Internet of Things is a system of networks and industrial facilities connected to them with built—in sensors and software for data collection and exchange, with the possibility of remote monitoring and control in automated mode, without human intervention.

The Industrial Internet of Things is a key element of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0).

The main task of the technology is to make complex work processes more efficient: eliminate theft, minimize downtime, increase security or simply save electricity.

TMR-24 WEB administrator

Access to data anywhere, accuracy of decisions made.

  • Real-time data.

  • Occupational safety at the enterprise.

  • Comparative analysis of resources consumed.

Collecting data from sensors allows you to complement the visualization of the digital twin of the enterprise, allows you to make a decision quickly to the head.

An important aspect of the successful application of digital twins is that the development of devices and systems should be carried out taking into account this concept, which will significantly affect the construction of business processes of the enterprise and the creation of new services.

Description and instructions for Data collection system

TMR-24 Sensors

There are many examples of the use of technology in various activities, it is difficult to find an area where it is impossible to apply technology:


  • Vibration sensors.

  • Temperature sensors.

  • Environmental monitoring sensor.

  • Motion sensors.

  • Mass sensors.

  • Individual metering devices for water, electricity, heat, gas.

  • Devices of the composition and volume of the liquid.

The principle of operation of the technology is as follows: sensors, actuators, controllers and human-machine interfaces are initially installed on key parts of the equipment, after which information is collected, which subsequently allows the company to acquire objective and accurate data on the state of the enterprise.

Thanks to such technologies, the cost of application is available to everyone, from industry giants to a private entrepreneur.

TMR-24 Signal converters

Signal converters is a collective term and includes extremely diverse devices used in many areas of economy and industry.


  • Sound.

  • Electric.

  • Of a technological nature.

  • Temperature.

The process of signal conversion itself can occur both within one type of signal and between these types - a striking example is an analog-to-digital signal converter.

The digital signal is not distorted during transmission, it provides excellent quality of transmitted data, and digital signal transmission technologies are constantly being improved.


Time. Money. Result.

Description and instructions for Data collection system

System and Product Integration Modules

Modules are used to exchange information between devices, software products, databases.

In business, any action that is done more than twice needs to be automated.

Reducing the amount of routine work, automating standard business processes, optimizing actions related to customer service - all this gives the company a number of competitive advantages.

1C integration module

The integration module provides direct access without cloning to up-to-date data when working with standard configurations:

  • 1С: ERP

  • 1C: Complex automation

  • 1C: Management of a small company

  • 1C: Trade Management

Integration is a very important part of the work of automating business processes. In different situations, there is a need to quickly exchange data between different configurations, between software products and a website, etc.

In general, it is impossible to combine the work of various departments of the company and automate the workflow without using integration in most cases.

With industrial equipment

With the help of the integration module, we can implement integration with virtually any system, depending on the tasks and needs of your company.


  • Machines with numerical control.

  • Fire and security alarm systems.

  • Various video surveillance systems.

  • Automatic doors, turnstiles, gates.

  • The system of medical examinations.

Today, the facilities of organizations and enterprises are equipped with various kinds of security systems, monitoring, communication, etc. These include: video surveillance, access control and management, lighting, fire, security and perimeter alarm systems, telephony, ventilation and so on.

The maximum efficiency of their application is achieved by the interaction of systems with each other.


Time. Money. Result.

Description and instructions for System and Product Integration Modules
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