TMR-24 Virtual Assistant Manager

“Delegate the routine to a Virtual Assistant Manager.

We do not offer a "remind calendar", but a trained virtual assistant manager who, upon request or schedule, can submit reports, monitor running processes to achieve specific goals of the organization and, in case of deviation from the specified parameters, notify of a failure.

Supervision of "control points" of business processes


Monitor the accuracy of business processes, calculate the values of performance indicators and correlate them with planned values, then identify problems and promptly report to the manager.

Operational reporting in Telegram for the accuracy of decision-making


The application sends a report at a configured interval, on request, according to the trained criteria and allows the owner to promptly monitor the business processes of the enterprise.

Personnel management via Telegram chatbot (operational Manager)


To make life easier for the manager, we developed a special Telegram bot, which took over some of the routine tasks:

Supervision of "control points" of business processes

What to control: the result or the process?

Each manager has his own view, one is convinced that it is only necessary to ask for the result, the other prefers to track all the stages of completing tasks, and for the third control means spying on employees and catching violators of discipline.

Automated control in this case is used not so much as a tool to measure the effectiveness of individual employees, but in order to quickly notice emerging problems at the macro level and solve them; so that the top manager has the opportunity at any time to assess the situation by objective parameters, and not rely only on reports of subordinates.

We will implement a chatbot and support stable work, in the shortest possible time with a personal manager, your virtual assistant will start working.


  • The mission of the company.

  • The companys strategy.

  • The companys system of indicators.

  • Control points.

The mechanism of business processes perfectly fits into the structure of the bots dialogue, individual tasks in blocks are bot phrases, branching points are the branching points of a conversation with answer options - buttons, etc.

Visualization of the map simplifies the work of the team, but is not a guarantee of its success. It is important to check the map regularly to track failures and make adjustments if necessary.


Time. Money. Result.

Description and instructions for TMR-24 Virtual Assistant Manager

Operational reporting in Telegram for the accuracy of decision-making

A virtual digital assistant based on natural language processing (NLP) technologies instantly prepares business reports in the Telegram messenger chat, connecting to your company's data sources.

The parameters for the report are changed according to your request based on the learning platform, and the data is displayed in a simple format.

Bots work 24/7 and will allow you to be as informed as possible in decision-making issues.

Our specialists are always ready to implement your tasks, offer an individual solution in the shortest possible time or set up a standard report:


  • Implementation of the sales plan.

  • The girth of the customer base.

  • The workload of the staff.

  • The workload of the equipment.

  • Overdue customer orders.

  • Plan-fact analysis.

  • Aging of inventory.

The efficiency of the enterprise when using KPI and BSC systems depends entirely on how these indicators are selected and set, because the range of possible indicators is extremely wide.

The means and principles (policies) of achieving the goals are set, otherwise the principles of "the goal justifies the means" and "all means are good to achieve the goal" begin to operate, and very serious negative consequences are possible in the near future.


Time. Money. Result.

Description and instructions for TMR-24 Virtual Assistant Manager

Personnel management via Telegram chatbot (Operational Manager)

The chatbot can manage assigned projects, send messages, post tasks according to the plan, and also, can make mailing to subordinates in automatic mode, thereby saving the time and effort of the manager.

It is not enough to hire qualified specialists: the market is constantly in development, new technologies are being introduced, new trends are emerging that require employees to regularly update their knowledge.

The chat bot is based on And allows you to undergo training at any convenient time, without interrupting the employee from the main activity, without loss of productivity, and most importantly controls and engages the learning process.

Chatbots are the main hit of this year, they suddenly turned from a curiosity into a popular, effective technology where artificial intelligence harmoniously complements the functionality of bots penetrating into different areas of activity.


  • Organization of personnel work (issuance of production tasks, control of execution, simplification of the companys workflow).

  • Training and testing of personnel.

  • In groups of messengers and social networks.

  • The site widget.

  • Voice assistant.

  • Call center.

  • Surveys and questionnaires.

The bot surpasses any person in the possibility of storing and operating large amounts of data, can select the right words to communicate with each user from a multimillion-dollar list. Such a subtle personalization of communication will definitely benefit any business.

The instant reaction of the bot to the users actions helps the business a lot, shows interest in both the client and the companys staff, making the business more efficient.


Time. Money. Result.

Description and instructions for TMR-24 Virtual Assistant Manager
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